Friday, November 25, 2011

Giving Thanks

21 things I am thankful for . . .
1. The Gospel, I couldn't imagine my life without it. I would be lost if I didn't have the knowledge about Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the plan of salvation. It brings me such peace and joy to know where I came and where I am going. What an amazing gift!
2. Jonny, He is my best friend and I would be lost without him. He is such a hard worker and a great dad, he is an amazing person.
3. Logan, It is crazy how much love I feel for this little man. He has taught me a lot about myself this past couple of months, and what kind of mom I want to be. He is getting so big, he has such an amazing spirit about him. I am so thankful that I can call him my own.
4. My family, I love my family. They are so awesome! It is fun to have two families, lots of nieces and one nephew!
5. Prayer, I couldn't imagine life without prayer it is so nice to be able to talk to someone that knows everything about you and your life and the struggles that you go through.
6. My home
7. My car, I am so excited that we got a 2008 toyota Camery, It is nice to have a reliable car.
8.Modern Technology, It is crazy that technology has come so far, I now can get the internet on my phone how crazy is that!
9. My Job, I love doing hair it is so relaxing for me!
10. Food
11. Diapers, i am so glad that i have the option of useing disposable diapers. It makes life so much easier
12. My washer and dryer, I am so thankful that i don't have to wash everything by hand!
13. Laughter
14. Shopping!!
15. My phone, i love having a cell phone that does everyting! It's quite nice!
16. glasses i would be blind without them!
18. Medicine, I am so greatful for it
19. Binkies, I love these things and so does Logan
20. Gods creations, I love camping and the out doors, how boring and dull life would be if we didn't have nature to enjoy and love.
21.The scriptures, I teach the 3 year olds in prymary and it is amazing how well they know the scriptures and all the different stories.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Lots of post and pictures. Playing catch up!

My amazing sister in law Amanda took these when we were in boise. She did such an awesome job! The photo shopped pictures are on I have posted lots of pictures and updates on the last couple of months.

Logans Blessing and one month old

We went to Boise to bless Logan he was blessed on Sunday the 21 of August. We blessed him in my parents house that afternoon.

Logan in his blessing out fit.

This is his favorite sleeping position with his month wide open
This is one of my favorite pictures, he looks like a little old man.

Moms first day of school

2 months old

Uncle David and Logan. Dave stayed with us for a couple of weeks while he was out of school.
Logan is such a happy boy! He is all smiles now! He only cry's when hes hungry! He loves his food!

Some times he gets a little lazy and won't hold up his head lol
We went home for conference weekend! It was a lot of fun! It's always fun to go home and see family.
Grandma Rushton and Logan

Friday, July 29, 2011

Logan Rushton Keeley

Logan Rushton Keeley Born on Friday the 22nd of July
weighed 6 pounds and 8 ounces and 18 inches long!

lol he was not happy with us when he was born
Our first family picture

Unkle JustinCassie, Mike, Marissa were able to come and stop by before they went home after reunion

This is a new born outfit lol he was just a little to small for it

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our 4th of July!!

We spent our 4th of July as a lazy day!! Jonny took the day off and we went shopping in Idaho Falls!! We are now set for this little guy to come! Now we just need to put up the crib! We had dinner with some good friends Jim and Nicole and then we set off fireworks!!! I Love Fireworks!! This is Jonny lighting some fireworks

This Nicole, David my brother, and his friend Hillary

Troy and Ali Parson came and joined our little party! We Had alot of fun!

Me at 36 weeks! I have decided that it's ok with me if he came a little early! Only 4 more weeks!!

Our New Bathroom

So we have been in the process of redoing our home. We just texturized and repainted the walls!! YAY it looks so nice! The only room that is fully done is our guest bathroom! Jonny decided he wanted to put in a new sink and a new toilet! Hes so handy!

Here is the Before Picture:

And here are the After Pictures:

Oh and I do have to add that I put the hand towel rack up by myself!! LOL First time using an electric screwdriver sucessfully!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Me at 30 weeks hes almost here!!

So I have been trying to get rid of all our clutter and i found this fun idea on I made some for my laundry room and bedroom! And it only cost me around 3 dollars to make them all!! I love makeing things that don't cost a whole lot. We are redoing our house, texturize and painting everything, i will have to post pictures later, but we are almost done with that YAY!

Were OPEN!!

I have been waiting all winter for this to open back up again! I have been craving it!

Jonny decided to cover the trailer in Yellow vynal!! Doesn't it look AWESOME?? He did a great job and you definately can't miss it from the road!

The Buisness has done really good this year!! We have only been open for a week now and have already beat last years sells in may! WAHOO!! We love being busy!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An Update!!

A lot has happened since our last post! If you haven't heard . . . .

we are having a baby!!

And it's a boy!!

We are more then excited! This little man will come July 29th!

He is doing great, and i have not been sick once it has been so nice,

I was prepared for the worst, but it has not come! I have heartburn

almost every night but I can handle that!

Jonny is going to school right now, and I am just a working.

I started a job a tami's salon in November and i am loving it. I stay pretty

busy and I love what I do!

We have been doing some catering with Karie Anne's lately we are going to do the dessert for our ward party this thursday I am so excited i have been craving this latley! And it is great advertisment for us! Our ward is so good to us. We are planning on opening it up again this summer around May, hopefully the weather is better this year then last year!! I was still snowing in may! But this year looks promising!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Keeley family pictures

All The little grandkids!

The whole family, we took these at Thanksgiving