Sunday, August 26, 2012

Trip to california part one

 We had a lot of fun in California!  It was a fun trip to take as a family.  This was our entertainment for at least 2 hours!  Logan loved the trash can,  he would put it on his head and just start talking and yelling funny kid!

 Jonny driving, he drove most of the way what a trooper!
 We went and spent sometime with Jonny's brother and his family in Hesperia, after about 5 minutes of being there it started to pour, so Abbey got all her rain stuff on and had her self a dancing party.
 Me and Ella

 We went to the san deago zoo which was really fun.  It is huge!

 We went to the beach on thursday before we went to LA.  With in 5 minutes of being there Logan had sand in every part of his body!  He loved it tho.  He even had him self a little snack, I caught him eating sand by the handfuls.

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